Return of the King Babylon is Fallen Revelation 18 Satan’s Counterfeit Operation • There is a false trinity. • There is a false father who possesses authority. • There is a false son who apparently dies and rises again. • There is a false spirit who seeks to glorify the false son. • There is a false church or a false religion. • There is a false city (“Babylon”) to counter God’s city of Jerusalem. Revelation 18 – Destruction of One World Government/Capitol City of the Anti-Christ – City of Babylon Revelation 18 is a requiem, a funeral dirge, a song of lamentation and sorrow over the demise and destruction of Babylon. Though the Scriptures make clear that God and God alone is able to satisfy our longings, they are equally clear that Babylon can only deliver disappointment. 3 Dirges or Laments bracketed by two angelic songs. 1. Babylon’s Judgment is Pronounced (18:1-8) It is judged for its pervasive demonic activity (18:1–2). It is judged for its idolatries (18:3). The people of the world will fall into a religious and materialistic stupor. Babylon will seduce the entire world. The unregenerate people of the world will lust for Babylon, passionately desiring to commit acts of spiritual immorality with her This worldly system is judged for its sinfulness (18:4–5). This worldly system is judged for its pride (18:6–8). 2. Babylon’s Judgment can be Avoided (18:4-5) “Come out” Do not participate in her sins. Do not partake in the plagues 3. Babylon’s Judgment is just (18:6-8) Double - punishment fits the crime 4. Babylon’s Judgment is lamented (18:9-19) Kings of the Earth weep over sudden judgment Merchants of the Earth mourn over their losses 28 categories Seafaring Traders grieve over her destruction 5. Babylon’s Judgment is complete (18:20-24) Abuses of proud wealthy people Deception involving occult Murder of believers