Jesus is Coming Again - Revelation 19:11-21

March 09, 2025

Return of the King

Jesus is Coming Again

Revelation 19:11-21

  1. The soon return of Jesus should cause us to burst into praise.

  2. We should alert others to the judgment that is coming.

7 Major Events of Jesus' Life

  1. The incarnation, when the Word became flesh (John 1:14).
  2. His baptism, where He was immersed by John, anointed by the Spirit, and declared by His Father to be the Messiah (Matt 3:13–17).
  3. His temptation in the wilderness for 40 days, where He accepted His destiny as a suffering servant Messiah (Matt 4:1–11; see Isa 52:13–53:12).
  4. His crucifixion on the cross, where He bore the wrath of God and paid the full penalty of sin providing salvation for all who would trust in Him (Matt 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19).
  5. His bodily resurrection, whereby God declared His acceptance of Christ’s sacrifice and victory over death, hell, Satan, and sin (Matt 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21; Acts 1; 1 Cor 15).
  6. His ascension back to heaven (Luke 24; Acts 1), where He intercedes for us at God’s right hand (Heb 7:25) and reigns as Lord and King (Phil 2:9–11).
  7. His second coming, where He will establish His universal and cosmic reign as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:11–21).

What Characterizes the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ?

• It will be personal (Zech 14:3–5; Matt 24:30; Acts 1:9–11).

• It will be historical (Zech 14:3–5; Matt 24:30; Acts 1:9–11).

• It will be visible (Matt 24:30; Acts 1:9–11).

• It will be physical (Matt 24:30; Acts 1:9–11).

• It will be victorious (Zech 14:3–5; Rev 19:11–21).

• It will be cosmic in its benefits (Rom 8:18–25).

There are two appearings of Christ—one is called an appearing of grace, the other called an appearing of glory (Titus 2:11–13).… The Christ who will come in glory is the Christ who came in grace.… What God’s grace has begun in our lives through the first coming of Christ his glory will complete in our lives through the second coming. (Piper, “Our Hope”)

How will Jesus appear at His Return? (vs. 11-13)

  1. How will Jesus appear at His Return? (vs. 11-13)
  2. He is the rider on a white horse.
  3. His eyes are like a fiery flame, His judgment penetrates to our very core.
  4. He wears many crowns or diadems on His head.
  5. He has name written that is concealed.
  6. He wears a robe dipped/stained in blood.
  7. His name is the Word of God. He is the perfect communication of God to us.

What are the Purposes of His Return?

  1. It will be to judge Satan, sin, and the system of the world (Rev 17–18; 19:11–21).
  2. It will be to establish the universal, visible manifestation of His kingdom (Phil 2:9–11; Rev 20:1–6).
  3. It is to provide motivation for faithful service for the Christian community in each and every generation (Matt 24:42–25:46; 2 Thess 2:13–17; 1 John 3:1–3).
  4. He will fulfill the prophecies of Scripture.

Return of the King

5 Reasons for Heaven's Joy

Revelation 19:1-10

4 Alleluias in the New Testament

Revelation 19: 1,3,4,6

“Praise the Lord”

1. God delivers His people from their enemies (vs. 1)

Angelic Chorus

2. God carries out justice (vs. 2)

Godly people love righteousness and hate sin, for righteousness honors God and sin mocks Him.

Isn’t Rejoicing over Babylon’s destruction uncaring or insensitive?

Believers long for a world of justice and it will come

3. God crushes man’s rebellion (vs. 3)


4. God shows He is in control (vs. 4-6)

24 Elders 4 Living Creatures Small and Great Omnipotent

5. God communes with His people – Marriage Supper of the Lamb (vs. 7-10)

  1. Betrothal
  2. Presentation
  3. Ceremony

Testimony of Jesus

Summary of Revelation

Revelation 1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ

John receives a vision of the glorified Christ, who instructs him to write to the seven churches. Jesus is portrayed as the Alpha and Omega, emphasizing His sovereignty over history. John’s vision of the glorified Christ establishes His authority and sets the stage for the end-time revelations. Christ appears among the seven golden lampstands (the churches), hinting at His imminent return.

Revelation 2-3 – Letters to the Seven Churches

Jesus addresses seven churches in Asia Minor, commending faithfulness but warning against sin and compromise. The letters reflect spiritual conditions that also represent church history and types of believers throughout the age. Jesus addresses the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, commending faithfulness and warning against sin, urging repentance in preparation for His return. The letters to the seven churches offer both commendations and warnings. They call believers to repentance and faithfulness amid moral decay, with promises of reward for those who overcome—a reminder that the church must remain vigilant as the tribulation approaches.

Revelation 4-5 – The Heavenly Throne Room and the Sealed Scroll

John is taken to heaven, where he sees God's throne, the four living creatures, and the 24 elders worshiping Him. The Lamb (Jesus) alone is worthy to open the scroll, which contains the judgments leading to the establishment of His kingdom and begin the unfolding of end-time events.

Revelation 6-7 – The Beginning of the Tribulation

As the Lamb opens the seals, a series of judgments unfolds. The first six seals release the four horsemen—symbolizing conquest, war, famine, and death—which are seen as the opening acts of the tribulation. Chapter 7’s sealing of 144,000 (from Israel) and the vision of a great multitude from every nation emphasize God’s protective mark on His faithful during these turbulent times.

The first six seals unleash judgments: the Antichrist (first seal), war, famine, death, martyrs crying for justice, and cosmic disturbances signaling the coming wrath.

Revelation 8-9 – Trumpet Judgments

The seventh seal opens the trumpet judgments, bringing intensified divine wrath—hail, fire, poisoned waters, and demonic locusts tormenting the wicked. The sixth trumpet unleashes a vast army that kills a third of humanity. Chapter 9 details further calamities—such as demonic plagues—intensifying the tribulation’s wrath on a sinful world.

Revelation 10-11 – The Mighty Angel and Two Witnesses

John receives a little scroll and is told to prophesy again. Two powerful witnesses prophesy for 1,260 days, testify in Jerusalem, perform miracles, and are killed but resurrected. The seventh trumpet sounds, announcing Christ’s coming reign. Their ministry, death, and resurrection serve as a powerful testimony to God’s sovereignty, even in the midst of the end-time crisis.

Revelation 12-13 – War in Heaven and the Rise of the Antichrist

A vision of Israel (the woman), Satan (the dragon), and his expulsion from heaven. The dragon persecutes Israel, signaling intensified tribulation. Satan is cast from heaven and persecutes Israel. The Antichrist (Beast from the Sea) and the False Prophet (Beast from the Earth) emerge, deceiving the world and enforcing the Mark of the Beast. The Antichrist rises to power, demanding worship, and the False Prophet enforces the Mark of the Beast (666) through idolatry, persecution, economic, and religious control.

Revelation 14-15 – The Coming Judgment and Preparation for Wrath

The 144,000 stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion. Three angels announce final warnings of judgment. Heaven prepares for the final outpouring of God's wrath, calling for faithfulness. Before the final judgment, God prepares the seven bowl judgments. Chapter 15 shows the victorious song of Moses and the Lamb as the stage is set, while Chapter 16 details the pouring out of these bowls—each unleashing a specific plague. These culminate in severe and climactic divine judgments upon the unrepentant world. Revelation 16 – The Bowl Judgments Seven angels pour out the bowl judgments of God’s wrath: sores, seas turning to blood, scorching heat, darkness, Euphrates drying up, setting the stage for the battle of Armageddon.

Revelation 17-18 – The Fall of Babylon

The religious and economic system of Babylon is judged. The Antichrist’s empire collapses as God's judgment destroys the corrupt world system. Mystery Babylon (religious and economic system) is destroyed. The world mourns the fall of its corrupt system, but heaven rejoices.This dramatic downfall symbolizes the end of the power structures that have persecuted the faithful, clearing the way for divine intervention.

Revelation 19 – The Second Coming of Christ

Heaven rejoices as Christ returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Antichrist and False Prophet are defeated and cast into the lake of fire at the Battle of Armageddon. He prepares to establish His Millennial Kingdom. The book culminates with the triumphant return of Christ. In a vivid depiction of cosmic victory, Christ (riding a white horse) defeats the beast and the false prophet in a final battle. This marks the end of the tribulation and the ushering in of Christ’s millennial reign—a literal thousand-year period of peace and righteousness.