How To Study the Bible: Observation

Week 2 of 4

By Pastor Rob, July 03, 2020

How to Study the Bible: S.O.A.P.

* S -

* O -
* A -
* P -

The Bible is:

There are at least Genres of literature in the Bible.

  1. - like Psalms, Lamentation, Song of Solomon
    2. - like Isaiah
    3. - like Revelation
    4. Narrative - like the Gospels, Exodus, Ruth, etc.
    5. The - like Leviticus, Deuteronomy
    6. - like Paul's Letters
    7. - like Proverbs

is trying to understand the little picture in light of the big picture.

Some Types of Context include:

  1. Scriptural
    2. Book Context
    3. Historical Context
    4. Immediate Context

Questions we should ask when we Observe scripture:

  1. What does this passage say about who God is?
  2. What does this passage say about who we are?
  3. Where is Jesus in this passage?
  4. How does this passage call us to change?
  5. How does this passage call us to be a part of the mission?