Matthew 8:28–34 • Psalm 65:7 • Psalm 89:9 • Psalm 107:29 Matthew 8:27 Matthew 4:24 Two men. Matthew 8:28 Mark 5:4–5 • Ephesians 4:27 • 2 Corinthians 2:11 A demonic . Matthew 8:29 • Revelation 20:10 • Philippians 2:10-11 Wasted . Matthew 8:30-32 Mark 5:9 The response. Matthew 8:33-34 • Mark 5:15 • Luke 5:8 The response. • Mark 5:18–19 The best way to battle spiritual evil is to be a close as possible to . What has to change in your life, so that you make time with Jesus a priority? The grace of Jesus in your life and in your words is a powerful to others.