Three Responses to Jesus

Matthew 9:28–34

By Chris Hallock, January 10, 2020

Matthew 9:28–34

  1. The blind truly .

Matthew 9:1

Matthew 1:1

2 Samuel 7:13-16

Isaiah 35:5–6

Hebrews 11:1

Matthew 9:28-30

Does your faith in Christ find common ground with these men?

• Do you have an assurance that Jesus is the Savior you need, that only Jesus can bring the true healing that you need?

• Is your faith rooted in the humility that you don’t have the answer to your problems inside yourself?

Faith: Job 1:20-22, Deuteronomy 32:48-52, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, Hebrews 11:35-40, Revelation 6:9-11.

Matthew 9:30-31

  1. The amazed are not necessarily by Jesus.

Matthew 9:32-33

• Do you find yourself amazed by Jesus, but not really changed by Him?

• What priority are you holding onto so dearly?

• What part of your life would Jesus rearrange if He came in and started changing your priorities?

  1. The Pharisees are by their religious pride.

Matthew 9:34

Mark 3:23–29

• Has your theological picture of who Jesus is and what following Jesus means been stretched and changed and reformed by this gospel?