Seeking True Treasure

Matthew 13:44-46

By Chris Hallock, September 26, 2020

Matthew 13:44-46 (Push and hold on verse reference to see it in context)

  1. Treasure – happening upon the kingdom.

Matthew 13:44

  1. A of Great Value – seeking out the kingdom.

Matthew 13:45-46

Counting the :

Matthew 16:24–25

  1. The focus of these parables is not what is given up, but what is .

Matthew 6:33

So how do you know what you value?

The test

The test

  1. The things that we fear giving up make gods.

Matthew 6:19–21

Genesis 1:1

Matthew 4:17

Colossians 3:1–3

  1. Christ is the true example of One who sold all He had in order to purchase His .

2 Corinthians 8:9