Two Kinds of Kings

Matthew 14:1–21

By Chris Hallock, October 17, 2020

Matthew 14:1–21 (Press and hold on reference to see the verse in its Biblical context)

  1. A “king” of and cruelty. (A kingdom of self)

Matthew 14:1-12

Matthew 5:11–12

Philippians 3:20–21

  1. A King of , healing and generosity. (An other’s centered kingdom)

Matthew 14:13-14

Matthew 11:4–5

A kingdom sized :

Matthew 14:15-16

Seemingly insurmountable obstacles are not for Jesus’ disciples if they are doing what Jesus has them to do.

Matthew 14:17

John 6:8-9

Matthew 14:18-19

Matthew 14:20-21

Important truth: Jesus will abundantly what is needed so that His followers can do what He has them to do.