Unable to See Jesus

Matthew 16:1–4

By Chris Hallock, December 05, 2020

Matthew 16:1–4 (Press and hold on verse reference to see the verses in their Biblical context)

  1. Jesus

Matthew 16:1

  1. Reading the .

Matthew 16:2-3

  1. The of the times.

Matthew 16:3

Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus: Click Here

Selective Attention Test:

  1. A God of their own .
  1. Picking and choosing a Jesus of own making?

Gal 1:11; 1 Cor. 15:1

John 8:58


  1. Be a good .

Acts 17:11–12

  1. Let the whole of the Bible and the theology of other believers your beliefs.

Matthew 16:4

  1. Spiritual blindness needn’t be .