The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 18:1–9

By Chris Hallock, January 30, 2021

Matthew 18:1–9 (Press and hold on any verse reference to see the verse in its Biblical context.)

  1. The wrong .

Matthew 18:1–3

Mark 9:34

  1. , trusting faith.

Matthew 18:4

  1. Treating people like .


Matthew 18:5


Matthew 18:6-7

Some useful questions: Do the things that I say and do to others draw people toward the kingdom of heaven or make them want no part of it? Have I caused others to stumble? If so, is there a way that I can make it right?


Matthew 18:8-9

Some useful questions: Are the places that I am going and the path that I am on causing me to fall deeper into sin? Are the things that I long for and the way that I think about life and perceive things, driving me toward God and His kingdom or away from God and His kingdom?