Faith in the God of Grace

Matthew 20:1–16

By Chris Hallock, March 12, 2021

Matthew 20:1–16 (Press and hold on any verse reference to see the verse in in biblical context)

The grace of God is an undeserved gift given to an undeserving person by an unobligated Giver.

Matt. 19:21-22

Matt. 19:27

Matt. 19: 29-30

  1. A generous opportunity for workers.

Matthew 20:1-2

  1. An undeserved gift given to undeserving people by an un Giver.

Matthew 20:9

  1. Grace perceived as un .

Matthew 20:11-12

Matthew 19:27

Matthew 20:13-16

  1. Eternal life is always a gift, all who receive it are un .

Ephesians 2:1–10

  1. God will call people into His kingdom during all of their lives.
  1. God’s grace, if rightly understood will seem generous and free!

Colossians 2:6-7

Romans 12:1