The Source of Temptation & The Goodness of God

James 1:13-18

By Chris Hallock, July 03, 2021

James 1:13-18

James 1:2-4

  1. God is not the of .

James 1:13

  1. Temptation comes from our own desires:

James 1:14

  1. A temptation gives birth to .

James 1:15

A few truths about temptation:

  1. Being tempted is a sin:

1 Corinthians 10:13

  1. Temptation is common to people.
  1. God promises to provide a of temptation.
  1. Full grown sin gives birth to .

…and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

• If I follow this temptation to its ultimate end, where will it take me?

• Decide that your tempting sin is your enemy.

• John 3:19–21

  1. God is continually and completely good.

James 1:16–18

• Chose to believe that you are a born again, son or daughter of God.

• What helps to remind you that you are a child of God?