Psalm 8

The Majesty of the Lord

By Chris Hallock, July 01, 2022

Psalm 8:1-9 Press and hold on any verse reference to see the verse in its Biblical context.

  1. The amazing thing that David : A celebration of the Lord’s .

Psalm 8:1-2

Matthew 21:15-16

Psalm 8:3

Romans 1:20

  1. The thing that David felt: The of humanity.

Psalm 8:4

  1. The thing that David realized: The of humanity.

Psalm 8:5-8

Genesis 1:26

So, what do we do? Look rather than .

Two ways to look up:

  1. Take an opportunity to be by the work of God’s fingers in creation.
  1. Look up at who has God’s glory in us.

Hebrews 2:6–11

Psalm 8:9