Think of someone you greatly respect. What qualities do you admire in them? How do they show those qualities in daily life? DISCUSS: What are some examples of serving others in daily life? Why do we resist serving? MAIN IDEA – We display Christ’s sacrificial love when we serve To follow Jesus means we become like Him, which means we become what He is – a servant. Serving is counter-culture to our world. Serving is the way we reflect the character and nature of Christ, the greatest Servant, Who came to give His life so that humanity could know God’s love for them. Serving involves sacrifice, such as our time, energy, or personal desires. As we generously give our lives to serve others, we’re doing more than simply ‘helping’; we’re imitating and displaying the generous love of Christ and His sacrificial work on the cross. EXPLORE THE WORD: There’s an impulse in us to be respected, valued, and to make a difference. The Jesus-way to greatness and influence is very different from the world’s way. Read the following verses. What do you learn about serving? Mark 10:43-45 Galatians 2:20 Galatians 5:13 1 Peter 4:10-11 INTERESTING QUOTES: “When we help others, the One we are actually serving is Christ.” - Joyce Meyer “When we choose to mow our neighbor’s lawn, buy groceries for a struggling family, open our homes to foster children, spend our Saturday helping a friend move, or take the hardest assignment at work, we’re functioning as a living analogy of the self-giving love of God.” - The Symphony of Mission “As Christians pour themselves out for their neighbors, the world catches a glimpse of the God who poured himself out on the cross.” – The Symphony of Mission PRACTICE: Look for ways to serve in your Church community – join a team, take part in outreach initiatives, be part of a group, welcome people on Sunday. Daily – Ask God to open your eyes to the needs around you at work, school or daily activities. How can you be an answer to those needs through serving? Weekly - Text 3 friends, tell them you’re thinking about them and ask how you can pray for them. Monthly - Come up with 1 way you could be a blessing for each of these categories: your family, someone in your church, someone you don’t know. Commit to one of your ideas and make a plan to do it this month. Monthly - Invite someone else to serve with you, on team at church or in another activity. REFLECTION QUESTIONS to keep you growing How do I intend to serve sacrificially this week? Is there a point of pain in the world around me that I can bring healing or hope to? What good works will I do this week in complete secrecy?