The Lifesong of Worship

Songs in the Key of Life

By Brian Clayburgh, February 27, 2021

The praise of God should be the priority of the believer.

Psalm 150

Worship is the key our life-song should be in.

Who we praise

You are never more self-deceived than when you are worshipping something other than God.

You are never more self-aware than when you are worshipping God.

Where we praise

Praise God anywhere and everywhere.

Why we praise

We praise God for who He is and what He’s done.

True knowledge of God will always lead to true worship.

Circumstances don’t dictate our praise, God’s greatness and character fuels our praise.

The way in which we worship God implies what we think and believe about God.

How we praise

There’s no instrument in our lives that can’t praise God.

Who praises

The very life-giving breath of God is in our lungs so that we might worship Him.


What do you need to do in your life to help remind you of who God is and what God has done?

What instrument (or tool) has God given you that you need to praise Him with?

Are you a worshipper of God?