Part 2 - The Grand Invitation

The Good & Beautiful Life

By Ivan Cooper, June 11, 2023


● Take a few minutes to catch up with each other and build community. If you have new people present give time to getting to know each other. ● Possibly listen to ‘What the Lord has done in me’ by Hillsong ● Pray that God would open our eyes to have a greater revelation of the blessings found in Jesus.

FOCUS Our series ‘The Good and the Beautiful’ is based on three books by James Bryan Smith. Our focus throughout June and July is from the second book 'The Good and Beautiful Life’. Jesus said he came to give life and give it to the full (John 10:10).

  • What does that life look like? Through this second series of studies we will be encouraged to unpack Jesus’ narratives about life in the Kingdom of God.

SETTING THE SCENE In the beatitudes Jesus turns the idea of happiness in life upside down. While many seek happiness in temporary circumstance; we discover that true happiness and security can only be achieved through a relationship with God. And in contrast to the endless working of the pharisees; the invitation was open to all who would humbly admit they were in desperate need of God’s help. Jesus did not give a long list of commands but a rich description of His children. His children who possessed the Kingdom despite coming spiritually bankrupt, who discovered redemption despite mourning over their mistakes, who inherited the best in life despite walking in gentleness and who found deep satisfaction despite coming hungry. They are children who freely share the mercy they receive, who conduct themselves towards others with pure motives, who promote peace through reconciliation and who value God more than anything in this world.

OPENING GOD’s WORD Warm Up Question: if you had one day off to do something that made you happy, what would it be?

Read: Matthew 5:3-12

Take turns reading these verses from several translations. ● What first caught your interest or stuck out to you as we read this passage? ● How does this description for happiness differ from our expectations? ● What characteristics do we discover about those God richly blesses with his favour and happiness? ● How do these verses challenge you to find the highest blessing and happiness in your life? What thinking do you need to reconsider?

LIVING OUT GOD’s WORD ● How can you take a small step this week towards seeking true happiness and blessing by following the humble example set by Jesus in the beatitudes? ● How can we share this grand invitation with those who may feel left out of God’s blessing in life due to their poor circumstance?

PRAYER ● Pray that those who haven't encountered the good news of Jesus could receive this grand invitation to a life of true blessing and happiness. ● Pray that we could increasingly reflect the character of Jesus to the world as His children.

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