Part 4 - God’s Gift of Attraction

The Good & Beautiful Life

By Anita Venning, June 25, 2023


  • Take a few minutes to catch up with each other and build community. If you have new people present give time to getting to know each other.
  • Listen to “I Shall not Want” by Audrey Assad.


Our series ‘The Good and the Beautiful’ is based on three books by James Bryan Smith. Our focus throughout June and July is from the second book 'The Good and Beautiful Life’. Jesus said he came to give life and give it to the full (John 10:10).

  • What does that life look like? Through this second series of studies we will be encouraged to unpack Jesus’ narratives about life in the Kingdom of God.


God has given us the gift of attraction. Sexual attraction is normal. Boys notice girls and girls notice boys. It is good becuase that is how God made us. It is part of God’s plan in creation. You can read this in Genesis 1:26-31 and Genesis 2:20-25.

Sadly since human sin entered the world Satan and our own selfish desires or fears can taint that gift into lust, control and self seeking pleasure at the expense of healthy relationships and the other person's value and feelings.

Since then two false beliefs seem to prevade our understanding of seuxality in our world.

  1. That all sexual desire is good.
  2. That all sexual desire is bad. Neither is true, hlepful or Biblical.

Jesus never condemned sex or sexual attraction. He affirmed it in terms of God’s plan in creation. What Jesus spoke against was lustful intent (Matthew 5:27). Lust is were we objective the other person for selfish gratification, ignoring their humanity and worth, ignoring their freedom to choose and feel.

Jesus would have us embrace and value this God given gift of attraction but to steward faithfully in way that values and honours the other and that we understand God’s intetion for sexual intimacy only between a man and a women with in the covenant of marriage.


Warm Up Questions:

  • As a group list the things that attract one person to another?
  • What human desires are play in relation to these different things?
  • Are those desires good or bad?

Read: Philippians 4:8-9 Read the passage from several translations including the Amplified version and the The Passion Translation

  • How important is it to understand why we notice things and feel certain things?
  • How important is it to choose what we dwell on? How does this shape our desires and actions?

In relation to sexual attraction:

  • What are the temptatioms, pressures, challenges (internal or external) that would tempt us to dwell on things in unhealthy ways?
  • How can we keep our God given good desires within healthy boundaries?
  • Paul instructs us to refocus our thoughts on things that are true and honorable.
  • Share a time when your thoughts and energies have been captivated by something bigger than yourself and this has shaped your relationship(s) in a healthy way and guarded against falling into selfish desires and and wrong action?

Choose which best applies to your group (singles / married couples)

  • Share about a relationship(s) you have were there is mutual appreciation and how you express that to each other? How does that build your relationship?
  • How do you / can you show your spouse they are God’s gift to you?
  • How does that / can that depeen your relationship and your intimacy?


Practicing checking our thoughts and motivations implies being humble enough to admit when we fall short, saying sorry when we need to, asking for God’s help to walk a better way next time. It is not a once off. Often the first step is to admit you have desires or thoughts contrary to God’s best.

  • What practicle steps can you take this week when you notice your desires and thoughts aren’t honorable?
  • How and what way will you refocus them?


  • Pray for the areas shared personally and for each other in the group to be more sensitive and aware of our thoughts and to be open to the Holy Spirit's direction to correct. Then open up to other prayer needs.


If you would like more information or further help please contact: