Part 5 - Living in Truth

The Good & Beautiful Life

By Dean Brookes, July 02, 2023


Take a few minutes to catch up with each other and build community.

Leaders may like to choose a song about living in truth, and/or speaking the truth in love.

You are invited to pray together: Eternal God, you are the light of the minds that know you, the joy of the hearts that love you, and the strength of the wills that serve you; help us to know you so that we may truly love you, so that we may fully serve you, and in doing so know perfect freedom.


Our series 'The Good and the Beautiful' is based on three books by James Bryan Smith. Our focus throughout June and July is from the second book 'The Good and Beautiful Life’. Jesus said he came to give life and give it to the full (John 10:10). What does that life look like? Through this second series of studies we will be encouraged to unpack Jesus’ narratives about life in the Kingdom of God.


This study urges us to be honest about telling the truth. Research suggests that we aren’t as truthful as we might imagine or intend. One author concluded that some form of deception occurs in nearly two-thirds of conversations. Perhaps we tell lies more often than we realise - from telling a child that “the lolly shop is not open”, to exaggerating a story, to padding a resume, etc.

We trust you will approach this study from a true gospel and discipleship perspective so that we may grow in Christ and in faithful Kingdom living.


Someone once quipped, “You will know the truth and the truth will make you mad!”

Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!” (John 8: 32)

Ultimately the choice is ours.

Warm Up Questions:

  • How do you feel when you sense that someone is not being truthful?
  • Being candid, when have you lied or bent the truth?
  • What are the benefits of speaking the truth?
  • What might be gained, if anything, from withholding the truth or actually lying?

Our behaviour is rooted in our narratives, what we tell ourselves under the surface. Such self narratives can become our excuse to tell a lie. For example: “I don’t want to hurt anyone” or “It was just a white lie and I meant no harm” or “If I told the truth I would get into trouble”.

What other reasons can you think of that would be used to justify telling a lie or withholding truth?

James Bryan Smith writes that the two main things that drive us to lie are:

  1. Fear: the fear of what will happen if we tell the truth.
  2. Desire: we lie when we think we might gain something we want.

Discuss this, giving examples from your experience and observation.

Read some of the following Bible texts and consider the questions:

One Option: Each person read passage quietly and consider the questions below then share their thoughts with the group.

  • Matthew 5: 33-37. Jesus deals with making verbal promises. Don’t give an oath; simply be honest.
  • Ephesians 4: 14-15, 21-32. The pattern of new life in Christ.
  • Colossians 3: 1-17. Living the Christ-life.
  • Philippians 4: 8-9. Thinking about our thoughts, words and deeds.
  • Titus 1:2. God is truth. Those who follow God must walk and talk in truth.
  • 3 John 1: 3-4. Living in truth brings joy.

What do these verses tell us about God’s ways for us?

What challenges you the most in the Bible readings? Why?

In what way can being part of the community of Christ, your small group or church, help you to be truthful?

Considering these texts, what new narrative (what you tell yourself) encourages you to be truthful?

What does it mean to speak the truth in a spirit of love? How can this work out in practice?


How will what you have learnt change how you live and what you say?


Ask God who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life to touch you with grace, wisdom and strength to live a life of truth.

Pray for a prevailing presence of truth to descend upon society.

Pray for leaders in government, business and all organisations that they will live in truth.


If you would like more information or further help please contact: