Part 8 - Living Without Worry

The Good & Beautiful Life

By Jacqui Thomas, July 23, 2023

Part 8 - The Good & Beautiful Life - Living Without Worry

Study by: Jacqui Thomas

Sermons can be viewed on the Hope Valley Church YouTube Channel


Take a few minutes to catch up with each other and build community. If you have new people present give time to getting to know each other.

Song: Hillsong PEACE


Our series ‘The Good and the Beautiful’ is based on three books by James Bryan Smith. Our focus throughout June and July is from the second book 'The Good and Beautiful Life’. Jesus said he came to give life and give it to the full (John 10:10). What does that life look like? Through this second series of studies we will be encouraged to unpack Jesus’ narratives about life in the Kingdom of God.


It’s interesting that Jesus’ teaching just prior to this section on worry is about not being materialistic. Certainly, many of our worries come from the materials and riches we possess (or think we need); but Jesus, in this passage, switches to other worries we entertain – things like what people think of us, health problems, our jobs or study, or our concern for those we love who are making poor decisions.


Warm Up Question:

What is it that worries you most?

If you can’t think of what it might be, imagine this: When you wake up tomorrow, a miracle has happened, and your life is perfect! (It takes a lot of imagination, right?!) What has changed or gone, or what has been supplied? These may be the things you can be tempted to worry about. You can share this with your group if you want.

Read: Matthew 6:25-34

Take turns reading a few verses each. You can read it again in the Message version if you like. It can put this text in context for us with our modern lives.


  • List the things that Jesus identifies in this passage as things we shouldn’t worry about? Why do you think Jesus says we shouldn’t worry about them?

  • Even though Jesus says God will provide all these things, and does for the birds and plants, He still expects us to be wise about our needs for food, shelter and clothing, etc. What do you think is the difference between being wise/cautious and actual worrying?

  • Verse 34 gives us an honest view of our lives as humans on earth. We all know troubles will come. But Jesus tells us to only be concerned with today. Consider the things you worry about in the days to come. How many of these worries do you actually have no control over? Thinking back - how many of your worries actually come to pass?

  • In verse 33, Jesus gives us a formula to overcome worry. How could you paraphrase this in colloquial language? What does it mean in pratice for someone to live this way? How does living this way stop a person worrying?


Worry robs us of enjoying the blessings of today, by using up all our energy worrying about something that might not even happen in the future. Even if it does happen, we have countless promises that God will give us all we need – abundantly! (Check out Lamentations 3:22-23, 2 Corinthians 9.8, Philippians 4:19 – maybe you have some other verses that are your favourites). A worry-filled life is not part of the Good & Beautiful Life that God has planned for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

What things can you speciaically do to become more “God-centred” and “today focussed” so that your focus is shifted from worry to God’s kingdom and righteousness?


If you have been able to share your worries with the group, you may wish to pray over one another, that they will be freed from the worry, and that God will guide them in how to approach the area concerning them. Or you may wish to pair up and share a more private concern to pray over.


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