Part 4 - As the King would do

The King and His Kingdom

By Carol and Des Joyce, November 12, 2023

Part 4 - The King and His Kingdom - As the King would do

“The secret of the Kingdom of God has been given to you..” Mark 4:10

Study by: Carol and Des Joyce

Sermons can be viewed on the [Hope Valley Church YouTube Channel](INSERT YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK HERE)


Take a few minutes to catch up with each other and build community. If you have new people present give time to getting to know each other.

Worship song: “Open the eyes of my heart” by Michael W. Smith


The Kingdom of God (also referred to as The Kingdom of Heaven) is a multilayered theme mentioned often in the four gospels. It refers to God’s universal rule over all of creation, for “the Lord has made the heavens His throne; from there He rules over everything” (Psalm 103:19). It also describes God's spiritual rule within the hearts of God’s children as they surrender to Jesus, who said, “...give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). When Jesus spoke on the Kingdom he often taught in parables, which were simple stories rich in metaphors, to illustrate deep spiritual truths. Ultimately, they teach us to know and serve Jesus, the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords (1 Timothy 6:15).


In Matthew chapter 24 the scene is set where the Son of Man is coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory (see verses 30 & 31). In chapter 25:34 the Son of Man has arrived with his angels and is seated on the throne where he is called the king. It is a fearsome portrait of the king and recalls the imagery in Zechariah 14:1-21 (particularly note v9).

In the Kingdom of God, no one is hungry, naked, sick or alone. In this context it may be worth recalling Tim Hall from Compassion preaching on “righteous anger” at the injustices of the world, especially with children. There is a time when Jesus will return in judgement as King - we need to be ready and do what we are commanded to do in the meantime.


Warm Up Questions:

  • If you were ever without food for a long period of time (e.g. 40 Hour Famine) what is the first thing you would crave to eat?
  • Think of ways in which the Church universal is involved in caring for others.
  • Share one way that you relate to, or have been involved in, that serves the needs of others.
  • Is this a challenge or a comfort for you? Share.

Read: Matthew 25:31-46

  • Take turns reading a few verses each - v31-36, 37-40, and 41-46.
  • If someone has a particular translation that helps, read it again.

Questions for discussion:

  • Does this story seem more like a parable or a prophecy? Explain.
  • What is the coming event foreshadowed here and its purpose?
  • List the 6 actions that Jesus will use as a basis of his judgement. For whom are they done? (see verse 40)


  • Put in your own words what this teaches us about our Christian responsibility.
  • Of these 6 areas of service, where do you find yourself serving most naturally? In which areas do you personally have the most trouble reaching out? Explain.
  • Is there any area where you would like to get more involved? Share this with the group and seek some input in order to investigate how to get more involved in the near future.


Pray for those you know personally who may serve in difficult areas e.g. overseas, in prison ministry etc.


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