The Heart of God - Easter Sunday Living beyond the grave Study by: Life Group Ministry Team Sermons can be viewed on the Hope Valley Church YouTube Channel 1. Sharing Our Journey Praise, Thanks, and Reflection Invite people to share from one or more of the questions below. It can be done as a whole group or in subgroups. It can also involve a worship song. What are you thankful for? Where have you seen God at work? How has God used you? How have you gone living out God’s Word since our last gathering? Where have you struggled to follow the way of Jesus? Where and with whom have you witnessed to the love and good news of Jesus? Care and Prayer In prayer, capture the things you have shared above after also inviting people to share any personal needs for prayer or support. 2. Opening God’s Word Read: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 & 54-58, John 20:19-22 Take turns reading these verses as a group or from several translations. What first caught your interest or stuck out to you as you read these verses? Alternatively, what questions do you still want answered? In 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, what information did Paul share of first importance in the gospel? How did Paul include his own story of transformation within the gospel story? How did this message change his own life? How has the gospel changed your life? Since discovering Jesus, how has your life completely changed and will never be the same again? Read John 20:19-22. What did Jesus share? How are we invited to share in his mission? What truths do these verses teach us about living the resurrected life today? What can no longer hold us back? How does God want you to live this out in your life? 3. Living out the Heart of God How can we live differently now, in the resurrection of Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit? Prayer for Each Other Break into 2s or 3s to pray. Praying for your 5 (from your Relational Map - See ‘The Heart of God’ Study - Week 1). Pray for each other as they seek to live out God’s Word. Contacts If you would like more information or further help, please contact: