Prevail: 1 Corinthians - Week 10

Love: The Heart of the Prevailing Church

By LIfe Group Ministry Team, July 07, 2024

Prevail: 1 Corinthians

Week 10

Love: The Heart of the Prevailing Church

Focus: A heartfelt letter from Paul to the church in Corinth that was caught in conflicts, questions, problems, divisions, and difficulties. Paul exhorts the Corinthians to deepen their understanding of Christ and live out their new faith, allowing Jesus to shape their whole lives.

Study by: Ivan Cooper
Sermons can be viewed on the Hope Valley Church YouTube Channel

1. Sharing Our Journey

Praise, Thanks, and Reflection

Invite people to share from one or more of the questions below. It can be done as a whole group or in subgroups. It can also involve a worship song.

  • What are you thankful for?
  • Where have you seen God at work?
  • How has God used you?
  • How have you gone living out God’s Word since our last gathering?
  • Where have you struggled to follow the way of Jesus?
  • Where and with whom have you witnessed to the love and good news of Jesus?

Care and Prayer

In prayer capture the things you have shared above after also inviting people to share any personal needs for prayer or support.

2. Opening God’s Word

Setting the Scene

This beautiful passage is a favourite that is often read at weddings. It has been the inspiration for classic works, such as ‘The Greatest Thing in the World’ written by Henry Drummond. This incredibly short book which could be read in less than an hour, has sold more than 12 million copies since 1874.

In this passage Paul dramatically contrasts the reality that without love; no miraculous spiritual gifts, heavenly knowledge, acts of sacrifice or even a faith that can move mountains means anything. Paul richly describes what God’s love looks like, as we seek the highest good for others. And we discover the richest picture of love as we look to Jesus, “for God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.” (1 John 4:9). God’s love never quits but persists through thick and thin, so let us “give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)

Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7

  • Take turns reading these verses from several translations.
  • What first caught your interest or stuck out to you as you read this passage? Alternatively, what questions do you still want answered?
  • Which verses or ideas do you find most resonating? Which do you find most challenging?
  • The message translation for the end of verse 3 states, “So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.” Have you ever had an experience in which you thought you had taken care of everything only to realise you had missed something crucially important? Discuss.
  • Describe a time in your life in which you experienced God’s love personally, in a situation or in a relationship. How did God’s love transform you, the situation, or the relationship?
  • In what situations or opportunities could you show God’s love towards others? What words or actions will it involve?

3. Living out the Heart of God

  • How can we grow in our understanding of “how wide, how long, how high, and how deep” is God’s love? (Ephesians 3:18)
  • How can we seek to practically love others, out of the overflow of love that God has first shown us? (1 John 4:19)

Prayer for each other

  • Break into 2s or 3s to pray.
  • Pray for each other for any commitment you have made to live out what you have learned.
  • Pray that we could grow in our knowledge of God’s love.
  • Pray that more people in our community could discover and experience God’s love in their lives.

If you would like more information or further help please contact: