Prevail: 1 Corinthians - Week 11

Pursue Love

By Life Group Ministry Team, July 14, 2024

Prevail: 1 Corinthians

Week 11

Pursue Love

Focus: A heartfelt letter from Paul to the church in Corinth that was caught in conflicts, questions, problems, divisions, and difficulties. Paul exhorts the Corinthians to deepen their understanding of Christ and live out their new faith, allowing Jesus to shape their whole lives.

Study by: Dean Brookes
Sermons can be viewed on the Hope Valley Church YouTube Channel

1. Sharing Our Journey

Praise, Thanks, and Reflection

Initially focus on a couple of these questions:

  • What inspired gratitude in you over the last few days?
  • How have you been strengthened, encouraged, or comforted lately?
  • What divine occurrence have you been aware of?
  • How has it been for you to be living out God’s Word since our last gathering?
  • What has been a challenge in following the way of Jesus?
  • Where and with whom have you witnessed to the love and good news of Jesus?

Care and Prayer

In prayer capture the things you have shared above after also inviting people to share any personal needs for prayer or support.

2. Opening God’s Word

Setting the Scene

Love is all embracing. It is a feeling, a thought, an attitude, an action, an outlook, an expression. It is the essence of our faith, yet it can be misunderstood. This study helps unpack the biblical concept of love.

Read: 1 Corinthians 14:1

Reading the verse in different versions of the Bible helps enrich this injunction to love. It is important to note that the word ‘you’ in this chapter is plural. Paul addresses the community, not merely individuals!

  • How do you answer the question, “What is love?”
  • What has been your experience of giving and receiving love?
  • In Chapters 12 and 14, Paul teaches on spiritual gifts. He punctuates this with chapter 13 on love. What is the relationship between the fruit of the Spirit (love) and the gifts of the Spirit? See also Galatians 5:22-23.
  • What does it mean for you to pursue love?
  • In the use of your strengths, talents, and spiritual gifts, what is one way you want to follow the way of love?
  • In Philippians 1:9, Paul prays that his readers would have love that abounds in knowledge and depth of insight. What does this say about having wise love? Can you think of any instance of unwise love? How then is love to be expressed?
  • As time permits, read John 14:15-17; 15:12-17 and 1 John 3:11-24; 4:7-21. These verses can be read devotionally, allowing the message to deepen within us, or as a basis for further discussion.

3. Living out the Heart of God

  • What can you do to follow the way of love this coming week?
  • What for you is the ‘take home’ from this study?
  • How will what you have learnt change how you live and love?

Prayer for each other

  • Break into 2s or 3s to pray.
  • Pray for each other for any commitment you have made to live out what you have learned.
  • Pray for your 5 (from your Relational Map - See ‘The Heart of God’ Study - Week 1)
  • Pray for God’s love to reach where it is needed.

If you would like more information or further help please contact: