Prevail: 2 Corinthians - Week 7

Defeating Strongholds: What really is a spiritual breakthrough?

By Life Group Ministry Team, September 15, 2024

Prevail: 2 Corinthians

Week 7

Defeating Strongholds: What really is a spiritual breakthrough?

Focus: In a later letter to the church in Corinth, Paul humbly bares his heart and life as a follower and apostle of Jesus. Paul shares the sufferings, trials, difficulties, conflicts, and heartaches that have driven him ever closer to the comfort of his saviour, magnifying the power of Jesus as a witness to all.

Study by: Jacqui Thomas
Sermons can be viewed on the Hope Valley Church YouTube Channel

1. Sharing Our Journey

Praise, Thanks and Reflection

If you enjoy beginning worship with a song, you can watch this version of “I Speak Jesus”.
Go to:
Invite people to share from one or more of the questions below. It can be done as a whole group or in subgroups.

  • What do you have to praise God for recently?
  • Where have you seen God at work?
  • How has God used you?
  • What can we pray for – for you or others in your life?

Care and Prayer

In prayer, capture the things you have shared above after also inviting people to share any personal needs for prayer or support.

2. Opening God’s Word

Setting the Scene

In this chapter, Paul has a change of tone. Some think 2 Corinthians 10-13 were a whole different letter that was added to the end of 2 Corinthians 9, but this isn’t likely. Paul just changes gears as he ends the letter. In these next few chapters, Paul gets pretty straightforward with the Corinthian Christians!

First, Paul defends his apostolic authority. He had a problem with a false apostle, who had gained considerable influence amongst the Corinthians by representing Paul as a weakling and casting doubt on his ministry and authority. This man criticised Paul, saying things like that if he were a dog, he’d be one that made a lot of noise from a distance but would cower and whimper when confronted!

Paul defends himself by acting in a way that Jesus taught – read Philippians 2:6-8. God’s way is to humble yourself, and let God show His resurrection power through you. Paul relied on spiritual, not worldly, weapons. Check out his list in Ephesians 6:10-18 – they are meant for “pulling down strongholds”.
In Paul’s native land of Cilicia, the history of Roman armies destroying rocky fortresses to defeat the pirates who had taken refuge in those strongholds was well known. Paul may have used this as an analogy. So, in the course of his defence, he helps us understand how to defeat strongholds in God’s way, with God’s weapons in the places we work and live, and in ourselves.

Read: 2 Corinthians 10:1-12 (Read the passage together, use different versions if you like.)

Re-read verse 10.

  1. We have all had something like this happen to us in our life or our work. Try and think of an example in your own life. How could an unforgiving attitude to someone’s actions or attitude become a stronghold to us?
    Now go back to Paul’s words in verses 3 & 4.
    In the situation that you identified, how does the world usually deal with that sort of thing?
    What wisdom does Paul give us in how to defeat a stronghold in our lives? (Check out his list in Ephesians again for extra godly ‘weapons’ we can use.)

Look again at verse 5.

  • What’s a way we can demolish arguments and pretences (NLT calls them ‘proud obstacles’), and what does it actually mean to take a thought captive?

3. Living out the Heart of God

  • Are there strongholds in your life? Maybe it’s unforgiveness when someone hurt you. They may have done something genuinely bad to you, but if you let unforgiveness stay in your heart like a fortress around it, it only continues to hurt you. And block God’s full and rich blessing in your life.
  • Maybe your stronghold is not this kind of thing at all, but a habit, or an unwise way of dealing with something or someone. Maybe even something like an addiction, negative thoughts, or a behaviour that God wants to free you from. Through Paul, God gives us these instructions:
    • Humble yourself before God (v.1)
    • Come under His gentleness – listen to His gentle voice (v.1)
    • Use the weapons of God (truth, faith, scripture), not the world (denial, self-justification) (v.3-4)
    • See the situation from God’s holy and true perspective through prayer and reading the Bible (v.5)
    • Take damaging thoughts captive and be obedient to what God is telling you through His Word (v.5).

Prayer for each other

Break into 2s or 3s to pray.

  • Pray for each other for any commitment you have made to live out what you have learned.
  • Praying for your 5 (from your Relational Map – See ‘The Heart of God’ Study – Week 1).


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