Rhythms of Grace | Weeks 1&2 | 2 Feb 2025


By LIfe Group Ministry Team, February 02, 2025

Rhythms of Grace (2 Feb 2025)


Jesus called out, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (Matthew 11:28-29, The Message)

Study by: Ivan Cooper
Sermons can be viewed on the Hope Valley Church YouTube Channel

1. Sharing Our Journey

Praise, Thanks, and Reflection

Invite people to share from one or more of the questions below. It can be done as a whole group or in subgroups.

  • What are you thankful for?
  • Where have you seen God at work?
  • How has God used you?
  • How have you gone living out God’s Word since our last gathering?
  • Where have you struggled to follow the way of Jesus?
  • Where and with whom have you witnessed to the love and good news of Jesus?

Care and Prayer

In prayer, capture the things you have shared above after also inviting people to share any personal needs for prayer or support. You can also involve a worship song from YouTube.

2. Opening God’s Word

Setting the Scene

The apostle Paul invites us to “continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling [awe and reverence], for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:12-13). The Bible is full of people who have sought to know and follow God, such as Daniel. He chose to forego the riches and food from the king's table. He got down on his knees three times a day, praying and giving thanks to God (Daniel 6:10). The habits, practices, and first-hand experiences of God’s faithfulness over his lifetime prepared him to face the greatest challenge when he was locked in the lion's den as an elderly man. Yet what looked like the end was turned for his blessing. This study is an invitation to consider what habits and practices will draw you into a deeper relationship with God and the rhythms of Jesus’ grace.

  • What are the rhythms, routines, and habits that make up your week? Which are intentional and which are on autopilot? Which ones add meaning and joy? Which are difficult, strenuous, or draining?

Read: Matthew 6 (from the Sermon on the Mount)

  • Take turns reading through this chapter as a group.
    • What first caught your interest or stuck out to you as you read this passage? Or is there a question you still want answered?
    • Jesus teaches here about various spiritual practices and disciplines, such as giving, prayer, forgiveness, fasting, investing, trusting (rather than worrying), and setting priorities. What do or could these practices look like in your life?
    • Has one of these practices impacted you positively and how? What encouragements could you share?
    • Jesus emphasizes more than simply the ‘doing’ of these practices, but the why behind them, focusing on our hearts and motives. What is one of the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ that you most need to apply? What change would this make in your life?
    • Which practice will you focus on this week/fortnight?

3. Living out the Heart of God


Set aside time in your calendar to make time and space for one spiritual practice you want to focus on. Aim to become more intentional with your time. And remember Jesus’ instructions, that He isn’t after endless repetitions or many words, but simply a genuine heart posture of love (Matthew 6:7).

Prayer for Each Other

Break into 2s or 3s to pray:

  • Pray for each other as you give focus to your spiritual practice(s).
  • Pray for the people in your life that you would like to share the love of Jesus with.
  • Pray that together we could be like the wise person who built their house on the rock, as we seek to both hear the words of Jesus and put them into practice in our lives (Matthew 7:24).


If you would like more information or further help, please contact: