John Bible Study - 3/2

Journey Through John

By Jamie George, February 28, 2020

Day 5 - Monday, March 2

The First Miracle


Today’s reading marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Jesus has just gained five disciples and they make their way to a wedding. In the ancient Near East, a bridegroom would have a legal responsibility to provide a proper wedding for the bride. Read that again. He had a legal responsibility to throw a great party. Running out of wine was more than inhospitable or a social faux pas. The bridegroom would surely be embarrassed. More than that, he was liable. For some reason the text does not talk about, Mary was concerned about the lack of wine. Mary seems to think that Jesus can solve the problem.

What is Jesus’ response to his mother?

Two things are important to note. Jesus calling his mother “Woman” sounds harsh to our ears. While Jesus was certainly making an abrupt statement, he was not being cruel or disrespectful. Jesus drew a clear boundary. Jesus asks the question, “Why do you involve me?”. More clearly from the Greek, Jesus is really asking what he and Mary have in common in the matter. Mary is concerned. Why should Jesus be concerned? The first thing to note is the clear boundary that Jesus draws in his relationship with his mother. Jesus had entered into the purpose of his coming and everything had to be subordinated to his divine calling (Carson, 171).

Read what Jesus says in Luke 14:26-27.

What do you think Jesus means in this passage and how does it relate to the manner in which he addresses his mother?

The second important thing to note in the beginning of this story is Jesus’ statement, “My hour has not yet come.”

Why does Jesus say this to his mother? What “hour” is he talking about?

Turn to John 13:1. What does this tell us about the “hour” that Jesus is referring to?

Read Jeremiah 31:12. Redemption day will bring a bounty of .

Read Amos 9:13-14. Israel’s restoration will be marked by a flow of .

Jesus, an educated Jewish man, remembers how the prophets characterize the messianic age as a time that wine would flow liberally (Carson, 172). He knows “the hour”, or messianic age, has come. Knowing this, Jesus turns the water into wine. Not just a little wine. Today the amount of wine would equal about 120 gallons of wine. The provision was abundant. This is the FIRST miraculous sign that John describes.

For John, this FIRST sign is also primary because of the grace and fulfillment that comes with it. The grace and fulfillment is abundant. Jesus’ miracles are never just works of power or nice tricks to impress people. The signs of Jesus point beyond themselves to deeper realities (Carson, 175).

What do you think are some deeper realities that Jesus displays in this FIRST sign?

Turn to John 20:30-31. John says that Jesus performed many signs. According to verses 30-31, John records the signs in his book for two reasons:

Jesus performed miraculous signs so that people would believe and lives would be transformed. When you hear someone say that Jesus performed a miracle or delivered a sign in the present day, what is your first inclination?

At the wedding, Jesus provided. He miraculously provided for a physical need. The provision came with grace and mercy. What does John want us to know about Jesus in this story?

How has Jesus provided for you?

When have you received grace and mercy in a time of need?