Sunday, November 13, 2022 BIG IDEA: Adopted: Identity & Inheritance Romans 8:14-25 Our Adoption Changes Two Things (vs.14-16) – Who God Says You Are “Now” Adoption changes our status (vs.15a) No longer No longer filled with Adoption changes our (vs.15b-16) Not just adopted through court Unconditionally and by Dad APPLICATIONS FOR OUR NEW IDENTITY Individually – We live with as sons and daughters of our heavenly Father. In the Church – We must find ways to each other, take of one another, and one another. Outside of Church – We people even when they are not like us. (vs.17-25) – What God Has In Store For His Children “Not Yet” * We are still subject to temporary * We must endure temporary The Hope of a Promised (vs.22-23) John 14:18 – He is coming back for me! The Hope of a Persistent Ezekiel 16:3-6 – He me even when I’m obstinate and unfaithful CONCLUSION When we truly believe the Gospel, that we have been adopted by God into His family when we were completely helpless, and that we have a new identity as His children, we will love God, our Father, more passionately and each other more deeply.