Sunday, January 29, 2023 BIG IDEA: The True Believer Is Tremendously Burdened For Those Totally Blinded Romans 9:1-5 Paul’s Heart For Lost Israel Paul’s . He declares he is telling the . He is stressing the of what he is about to say. He invokes the name of “ ”. He has a clear . He has confirmation from the . Paul’s . He has “ ” (megas in Greek) exceeding, immense, enormous, heart wrenching, heart breaking sorrow. “Sorrow” means – ! “ grief” means it never goes away. It is in his “ ” – emotional center. Paul’s . His tells him that nothing can separate him from the love of God. His is willing to trade places with lost Jews and be “accursed” if they could be saved. “Accursed” (anathema in Greek) means to be , to be to destruction. Paul’s . Israel’s Squandered “The Adoption as Sons” – God chose Israel “The Glory” – God made His glory shine on Israel “The Covenants” – Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, etc. “The Law” – God let Israel know His truth and way “The Temple Service” – Illustration of Jesus’ sacrifice “The Promises” – Prophecies from Moses to Malachi “The Patriarchs” – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Paul’s . Jesus is the Jesus is Jesus is Jesus is “Amen” means it is true; it is so; so be it; yes, a thousand times ! GOSPEL URGENCY!