Know God's Line - Do Not Cross It!

By Pastor Don Jackson, April 21, 2024
Sunday, April 21, 2024

BIG IDEA: Be Resolved!

Know God’s Line – Do Not Cross It!

Daniel 1:8-21

Culture Craves To Change…

  • My – Where I should be
  • My – What I should believe
  • My – What comes out of me
  • My – What I allow in
  • My – What they call me


  1. Saying “Yes” to everything. completely by culture
  2. Saying “No” to everything. completely from culture


  1. Who Am I?

I am a person

  1. What Does God Expect From Me?

living (even in Babylon)


  1. I am called to be !

“Different” = Distinctly God’s

  1. I must learn to !

Obey God’s Truth


  1. God’s Line

“Truth” – God’s opinion on any matter

  1. To Never Cross It

Ephesians 6:13-14a

  1. Firm

1 Corinthians 16:13