Be Effective...Don't be Lukewarm Spew!

By Pastor Don Jackson, September 01, 2024
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Big Idea: Be Effective… Don’t Be Lukewarm Spew!

Revelation 3:14-22

Laodicea Facts:

  • Wealthy community – rebuilt their city after 17AD earthquake
  • Bad drinking water – hard, bitter
  • Produced a glossy, black wool
  • Famous school of medicine
  • Made “Phrygian Powder” – ointment to cure eye defects

3 Choices I Must Make to be Effective for God

  1. I must obeying God. (Do what’s right!)
  • “I know your deeds” (vs.15)

Are my actions effective for God? (I Corinthians 10:21)

  1. I must being deceived. (Wake-up to what matters most!)

Are my priorities external or eternal? (Matthew 13:44)

  1. I must my life wisely.

(Receive true riches from Christ)

  • Gold refined by fire (Am I rich toward God?)
  • White clothes to cover nakedness (Am I clothed in righteousness?)
  • Ointment for my eyes (Am I seeing life through God’s eyes?)