Problems With A Purpose

By Pastor Don Jackson, September 15, 2024
Sunday, September 15, 2024

BIG IDEA: Problems With A Purpose

Philippians 1:12-26

Satisfaction in Jesus is far better than anything this world can offer!

(Vs.12) Reality Check – The Gospel

(Vs.13) but with a captive audience!

(Vs.14) but challenging others!

(Vs.15-18) but advertising Jesus!

(Vs.19-20) for whatever is next!

(Vs.21-26) Purpose Statement with a !

  • Paul’s Perspective: WIN / WIN!!!

3 Key Essentials To Overcome Negative Circumstances

  1. that God is in

Examples: Joseph, Daniel, Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael

  1. God’s glory over my

Paul is set free from the petty pursuit of his own comfort to devote himself to a bigger cause – Jesus!

  1. hard things for

Satisfaction in Jesus is far better than anything this world can offer!