MAIN IDEA || From conception to the grave, all life is precious because God made every life in His image. Sanctity of Life’s Two P’s 1. . When the soul begins. Sanctity of Life (Psalm 139) we are created in God’s image & foreknown, we are knit together In our mother’s womb we are fearfully and wonderfully made His eyes saw our unformed substance 2. . Two main priorities clashing in conflict. 1. The right to life vs. the right to control one's body 2. The right to life vs. reducing unwanted children ABC’s On Abortion A. , not abortion. B.e +, not anti-abortion. C. in crisis, not condemnation. CONTINUING THE CONVERSATION 1. Why do you think the abortion/sanctity of life issue is so politicized? 2. Christians believe that every human life matters infinitely to the Lord. Which of these biblical truths is most compelling to you (Psalm 139) ? we are created in God’s image & foreknown we are knit together by God in our mother’s womb we are fearfully & wonderfully made His eyes saw our unformed substance 3. Can you imagine and describe what might happen if all people who hold the “Pro-Life” position expanded toward becoming more “Pro-Life +” ? 4. What are some practical ways you could express more compassion to women in crisis?