Kids & Students Sunday

By Amy Jennings & Jim Dewolf, September 26, 2021


Main Ideas:

1) How do we make disciples in KC?

2) How do we, specifically in KC, help families make disciples at home?

What is discipleship?

Learning to increasingly the image of Jesus by from unbelief to belief in the gospel in every area of life, what you love and how you live.

Main idea #1

How do we make disciples in KC?

By creating environments where our children can behold Jesus, and doing it in fun, meaningful, engaging, age-specific ways.

How are we creating environments where children can behold Jesus?

By intentionally investing time into strengthening our team.

We want our team to have the education, equipment, and encouragement they need so they can help create these environments where Jesus’ name is being made famous.

How are we intentionally investing time into strengthening our team?

EDUCATION: Training for our team members

  1. Videos

  2. In-person training

One of the goals moving forward is to integrate training about Theological Integrity.

Theological Integrity: connecting what we believe to what we do. Educating our team to know the WHY behind what we do. Why is what we do valuable? Is what we are doing based on the principles found in the Word of God?

EQUIPMENT (Giving our teachers helpful tools)

Kid Central and KidZone Curriculum


  1. Meetings

  2. Prayer

In KC, as we build a stronger team who is being educated, equipped, and encouraged, this will impact how we are creating environments that help our children behold Jesus through the Bible stories and messages we teach, and the way we reflect His character to them.

Main Idea #2

How do we help families make disciples at home?

The Vision: similar to how we are strengthening our KC team, we want to put rhythms and resources in place that will help strengthen support for our families.


Putting kids and parents on the same page (Making KC/KidZone curriculum accessible, so you can know what your kids are learning about)

  • You can study these stories yourself

  • Discuss the stories w/ your children

  • Grow together

EQUIPMENT (Giving you some helpful tools)

  1. Continue the Conversation (CTC questions: Kid Edition)

  2. Parenting and Discipleship Resources


  1. Prayer

  2. S.T. E. P.

S: Stories from the Bible

T: Talk about your faith with passion and sincerity in real life situations

E: Be an example

P: Pray over your children and with them routinely



1. Do you remember someone from your family (or faith family) who helped disciple you? What did they do that helped you learn about & grow in Jesus.

2. Read 1 Thessalonians 2:8-12 together. Pick out a portion you like and explain why it resonates with you.

3. If you have ever made a disciple (not only a child or teenager), which S.T. E. P. S. have you done or could you start doing?

S: Stories from the Bible. Read them. Tell them. Repeat.

T: Talk about & apply your faith w/ passion & sincerity in real life situations.

E: Be an example. Embody who you want them to be. Expect more from yourself than you do from them.

P: Pray over & with them (especially your children) routinely.