Welcoming To My Church (2/8)

Love Your Church

By Pastor Dan Williams, May 14, 2023

Romans 15:7 (NLT) Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.

8 Key Privileges & Responsibilities of Church Members

Welcoming — Grace-centered .

James 2:1 (NLT) My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?

  • Faith & favoritism are .
    • Faith in Jesus and favoritism in the family are completely incompatible.

How do we restrain our natural tendency toward partiality?

Develop two life changing : Fairness & focus.

Use the test.

James 2:2–4 (NLT) 2 For example, suppose someone comes into your meeting dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in dirty clothes. 3 If you give special attention and a good seat to the rich person, but you say to the poor one, “You can stand over there, or else sit on the floor”—well,…4 doesn’t this discrimination show that your judgments are guided by evil motives?

Why Favoritism Is a Big Deal?

James 2:5–7 (NLT) 5 Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters. Hasn’t God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith?

1. Your partiality fails to reflect God’s grace.

Aren’t they the ones who will inherit the Kingdom he promised to those who love him? 6 But you dishonor the poor! Isn’t it the rich who oppress you and drag you into court? 7 Aren’t they the ones who slander Jesus Christ, whose noble name you bear?

2. Your partiality fails to reflect God’s kingdom.

James 2:8–9 (NLT) 8 Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 9 But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.

3. Your partiality fails to reflect God’s royal law of loving our neighbor as ourselves.

13 There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.

4. Your partiality fails to reflect God’s mercy toward us.

Jesus’ grace produces a welcoming people.

  • AKA “Gracism” : Our proper response to the grace shown toward us in Jesus is the extension of grace to others.

What now?

  • Repent for favoritism.
  • Reflect on how Jesus gently & graciously welcomed you.

In our gatherings,

  • Be the warm welcome of our church family.
  • Volunteering for hospitality ministry teams.
  • Portray the welcoming of Jesus with an open heart & home.

Continuing The Conversation

1. Do you remember who helped “welcome you into” our church?

a. What was that like?

2. Why do you think faith in Jesus and favoritism in the family are completely incompatible?

3. Has God ever convicted you about showing partiality or favoritism?

4. QUOTE: “Our proper response to the grace shown toward us in Jesus is the extension of grace to others.”

a. In what way might you place more focus on “being the warm welcome” our church portrays every Sunday?