Rooted Lesson 3 We know that most people have some inaccurate perceptions of Jesus, but this is also a problem in the church today. A survey called “The State of Theology” asked professing evangelical Christians about their beliefs, and the answers were a mixture of truth and error. With the human race fallen and depraved, God had three options: He could destroy it; He could simply ignore it in its fallen state and let it self-destruct; or He could offer a way of salvation man could either accept or reject. Our salvation is dependent on following the One whom God sent to redeem us. Therefore, we must be certain we’re trusting in the only true Savior—Jesus—as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. There are 5 aspects of Jesus that we want to talk about: Jesus is Eternal He is God He is with God He is the Creator In Him there is Life Jesus described Himself as one who would meet a wide variety of needs. Think about the passages below and then respond to what these aspects of Jesus can mean to you. John 4:10-14 The living water John 6:32-35 The bread of life John 8:12 The light of the world John 10:7-10 The door John 10:11-18 The good shepherd John 11:17-27, 32-44 The resurrection and the life John 14:1-7 The way, the truth, and the life John 15:1-17 The true vine