Salvation Guaranteed

By Pr Jared Martin, November 07, 2050

Read Ephesians 1:1-14

In Verses 13 and 14, what is the “sequence of salvation”?

What is the purpose of a seal or signature?

What is the purpose of an engagement ring?

The guarantees the wedding. The guarantees eternal life.

What is a "deposit?

What is a “bank guarantee”?

Who becomes the deposit and the guarantee of our salvation?

Read Genesis 15

What does walking between the animal carcasses symbolise?

In Genesis 15, who walked through the animal carcasses?

What did this symbolise?

Read 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Read 2 Corinthians 5:5

Read Ephesians 4:30-5:8

Read Exodus 20:2

What is God stating / teaching in Exodus 20:2?

Read Mark 3:28-29

Group Discussion Questions

  1. Do you believe in Jesus?
  1. How do you feel knowing that the Holy Spirit “guarantees” your salvation?
  1. What are some practical ways you can “live differently” and share Jesus with others?