Series: Exodus: Fear Not, Stand Firm, and See the Salvation of the LORD! Reflection: John 10:10 Sermon Text: Exodus 1:8-22 Summary: Egypt is now the enemy because of an evil king. He will inflict Slavery, Savagery, and Slaughter in an effort to destroy God's people. They need a rescuer...and God had a plan! NOTES on The New King: Exodus 1:8-10 PHARAOH BEGINS THE SINISTER PLAN OF OPPOSITION WITH ENSLAVEMENT **1. ** Exodus 1:11-12 2. Savagery Exodus 1:13-14 Perspective on their persecution: The new Pharaoh actually helpled their identity **3. ** Exodus 1:15-22 Pharaoh was an enemy of ! Pharaoh was an enemy of ! Quote: “We fear men so much because we fear God so little." (Gurnall) Remember: THE CHURCH IS OBLIGATED TO OBEY GOD BEFORE MEN! Quote: :A bad king will make a wicked people." (Exell) But CHRIST has paid the ransom for your soul (as it were), with his own precious blood, to free you from your slavery to sin (which makes a terrible taskmaster). Are you in Christ? OR are you desperate for redemption?