To judge others without examining and correcting oneself first is hypocritical and foolish, but it is biblical and wise to discerningly judge those who abuse God’s message. REFLECTION VERSE: Romans 11:33-36 JUDGE NOT! Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37; Romans 14:3; James 4:12 JUDGE? Matthew 7:6; 1 Corinthians 6:2-5; 1 Corinthians 2:15; 1 John 4:1; John 7:24 1. CAREFUL JUDGMENT vs . Matthew 7:1-2 “The heart that has tasted the Lord’s grace and forgiveness will always be restrained in its judgment of others. It has seen itself deserving judgment and condemnation before the Lord and yet, instead of experiencing his burning anger, has tasted his infinite mercy.” -Sinclair Ferguson See: Romans 14:1-4, 2:1; John 7:24 2. HYPOCRITICAL ! Matthew 7:3-5 Don’t be a hypocrite…handle them with care AFTER YOU HANDLE YOURSELF! 3. DISCERNING ! Matthew 7:6 CALL TO ACTION BE DISCERNING: Based on God’s standard, not yours. BE CONSIDERATE: Not CRITICAL BE CONSISTENT BE MINDFUL BE LONGSUFFERING: extremely careful and slow to write anyone OFF as unreachable.