REFLECTION SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 92:1-4 (Memory: 1 Corinthians 1:18 CLOSING: Romans 15:13) Summary: A whole lot of ordinary people from all walks of life did lots of ordinary tasks...but because they worked together, God was glorified in immense ways. Even today, normal people comprise the local churches that make up the GLORIOUS BRIDE OF CHRIST! Background: Neh 1–6—Rebuilt Wall Neh 7:4—City Large and Spacious, Few People Neh 8—Torah, Festival of Booths Neh 9—Confession of Sin Neh 10—Commitment to Keep Covenant Neh 11–12—Repopulate City and Dedicate Wall 1. SURRENDER TO THE LORD Nehemiah 11:1-12:26 For us today, see: Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 12:1-2 2. SHOWER PRAISE ON THE LORD Nehemiah 12:27-43 Why? Psalm 18:3; 149:1-4; Philippians 2:8-11; Revelation 4:11; 5:9-10, 12-13 3. SUPPORT THE LORD'S MISSION! Nehemiah 12:44-47 What does “SURRENDERING YOUR LIFE look like?” EVERY MORNING: WORSHIP HIM (WITH ALL YOUR HEART, MIND, SOUL, AND STRENGTH) Not just your Bible reading DIE TO SELF (Use confessional prayers, Scripture, or just acknowledge your weaknesses to get in the way of what He wants to do today…ask the LORD to make MUCH LESS OF YOU TODAY) SURRENDER TO THE LEADERSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (give Him the keys to your decision making, thought life, conversations, spending, all of it) ASK THE LORD TO GIVE YOU “JOY” IN EVERYTHING! Normal Christian Behavior for ordinary people: Surrender...Shower...Support.