HOPE ADVENT READING: Luke 2:8-14 SCRIPTURE READING FOR SERMON: Psalm 96:1-6 Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15 The good news of God’s reign will cross all borders and draw people from every tribe and tongue - this is reason enough for JOY THROUGH THE WORLD! 1. TO THE SAVIOR Psalm 96:1-6 vv1-3: Sing, Bless, Tell, Declare vv4-6: Why? 2. ASCRIBE TO THE KING! Psalm 96:7-9 Ascribe = Recognize and Give 3. SAY TO THE ! Psalm 96:10-13 Say what? The Lord reigns! The whole world is His! The Lord is the Righteous Judge! Creation is already declaring (vv11-12). HE IS SAVIOR, so we can sing. HE IS KING, so we can worship. HE IS JUDGE, so we must tell!