Reflection: Isaiah 44:3-5 Memory Verse: Matthew 5:25-26 Benediction: Romans 15:5-6 We see the early stages of the stream of living water begin to flow! BACKGROUND THE DISCIPLES HAVE ! John 4:27-38 (Lange, Oosterzee) God the Lord of the harvest, who: Determines the time of the harvest; appoints the laborers for the harvest; guards the success of the harvest; deserves the thank-offering of the harvest. THE WOMAN HAS ! John 4:28-29 Testimony is not a synonym for autobiography! When we are truly witnessing, we are not talking about ourselves but about Christ. John Stott THE BEGINS! John 4:39-42 See Jeremiah 2:13; Zechariah 14:8; John 7:38-39; John 4:40-42 They confess that Jesus is the Savior of the World!