REFLECTION: PSALM 25:8-10 MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 6:3-4 BENEDICTION: Romans 11:36 Summary: Though often misunderstood and controversial, Jesus Christ is perfect in every way...that means God's Word, God's will, and God's timing are perfect too! 1. JESUS KNOWS THE RIGHT ! John 7:1-9 2. JESUS KNOWS WHO HE IS! John 7:10-13 See: I Am statements in John. 3. JESUS TEACHES WITH !#4 John 7:14-24 God's Word (John 7:16) God's Will (John 7:17) God's Glory (John 7:18) God's Way (John 7:19-24) Notes on God's Will: Selfless (2 Cor 8:1-7) Worshipful (Eph 6:5-9) Maturing (Col 4:12) Set Apart (1 Thes 4:1-8 Joyful, Prayerful, Thankful (1 Thes 5:12-21) Link to “Better Way” song by the Color mentioned today: