The Gift God Wants Romans 12:1 NASB95 1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. Because of what God has done in and for us, we must offer ourselves completely to Him. I. We Offer Ourselves To God Because Of His Mercy (1a) II. We Offer Ourselves To God As A Living Sacrifice (1b) III. We Offer Ourselves To God As A Holy Sacrifice (1b) IV. We Offer Ourselves To God As An Acceptable Sacrifice (1c) V. We Offer Ourselves To God As Our Spiritual Service Of Worship (1d) Call To Action Ask the following questions of yourself and Jesus: 1. What do I need to stop doing? 2. What do I need to start doing? 3. How can I grow my relationship with Jesus? 4. How can I increase my obedience to Jesus?