Talking Seriously About Sin

Facts, Forgiveness, and Freedom

By Jon Limmer, September 19, 2021

Link: 1 John 1:7-2:6

Link: Bible Project Video – Word Study: Sin

One Biblical Image of Sin – The image of a or . – Consider the Old Testament idea of things being or . > When there was an thing it was put outside the camp. – Jesus shifts things! > Instead of casting out someone marked with sin he offers . >

1 John and Sin – We need to be honest about the of sin. > This is not a guilt trip! > This is not an invitation to give in to sin either.

– Through Jesus sin is . > Jesus makes atonement for our sin - carries it away. > This offers freedom from guilt or shame!

– Through acknowledging the fact of sin and the forgiveness of sin we are from it! > Free to follow the way of Jesus > Our honesty about sin and receiving of grace allows for relational connection with God.

Some helpful things to consider:

  1. Honestly acknowledging sin should foster .
  2. Forgiveness from sin should foster .
  3. Freedom from sin should foster . > We'll talk more about love next week. > This begins by freeing us from so that it can foster love!