Pride and Self-Sufficiency

7 Reasons People Reject Jesus

By Darren Sloniger, February 02, 2025

The Difficulty Overcoming Your Own Pride and Self Sufficiency

67% of American Adults considered themselves to be Christian (Down from 75% a decade ago)

53% say that religion is the most important thing in their lives which is much lower than it was in 2013 when 72% of Americans reported that religion was the most important thing in their live


28% of Americans say that their religious affiliation is “Other”.

2007 “Other” was only at 16%.

“Other” has become the fastest growing religion in America

“I’m spiritual, but not religious.”

Moralistic Therapeutic Deist Moralistic – “Being a Good Person

Therapeutic- “God wants me to Be Happy and feel good about myself”

Deist- “I believe there is a God and he is there for me but I reach out to him only when I need him”

God is something like a combination of a Divine Butler and a Cosmic Therapist: he's always on call, takes care of any problems that arise, and is there to help you feel better about yourself… but otherwise leaves you alone to live your life as you see fit.

Faith Cocktail…Two Parts Christianity and One Part ME!

I don’t want to be standing there in front of God on Judgement Day and say, Well God…truth is I didn’t like your Truth so I made up my own!

both good and bad people…Invite ‘em all!

“But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing the wedding clothes that were provided for him. He said, Friend, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ But the man was speechless. (leave up until next slide)

“Then the king told his attendants, ‘Take this man and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be deep sorrow and pain.’ “For many are invited, but only a few make it.” (Matthew 22:11-14)

“For many are invited, but only a few make it.”

Could this be you?

“You believe that there is a God...Great! But even the demons in hell believe in that and tremble!” (James 2:19)

WEST RIDGE PROGRAM all events listed here

Starting Point TODAY - is for those new to West Ridge – and we define “new” as anyone who still wants more basic info about the story, vision, and mission of West Ridge – no matter how long you’ve been around! Click here for details

Monthly Men's Breakfasts - Join us the 2nd Saturday of the month. We hope that you will come prepared to leave the world outside and bring your hearts for the time we are together. RSVP HERE

Superstart - Hey, 4th and 5th graders are you ready for two days filled with fun and Jesus? Learn More here.

Beginning Guitar Classes - Our Center for the Arts is offering a 4-week beginning guitar class on Sundays. Learn More Here

Splash & Swim - Join us for a FREE family fun night in Adventure Island, the indoor water park inside The Centre of Elgin. Details Here.

Your Best Us - Join us for these fun, one-night events that will strengthen your marriage! Your Best “US“ is filled with teaching, small group, and couple’s discussion times. Details here.

Be a Buddy - Do you have a heart for helping kids with special needs? Our WR buddies do just that every week with some of our kids who need a little extra one-on-one time. Learn more here.

Half Step to Serving - Half Step to Serving is a one-time gathering on Sunday, February 23rd for 25 minutes to allow anyone interested in volunteering to hear from a few ministry team leaders about how to connect and serve on their teams. Details here.

How to Read Your Bible - Curious about how to read and understand the Bible? If you have wondered how to start, where to start, and how to understand the words of the Bible, you’re not alone! Learn more here.

Dressed for Success | Women's Retreat - Join us March 7-9. A crafty enemy is constantly aiming to create havoc in everything that matters to you – your emotions, your mind, your family, your future. How can you possibly stand up against everything the world has to throw at you and still expect to emerge victorious? You are already equipped with the tools you need to combat this. Details and Registration Here.

Optimizing Health - Join us for a practical discussion with Board-Certified Practitioner Becca Chilczenkowski on why you might be feeling less than your best and how to improve it. More details here.

West Ridge Students Opportunities (6-12th grade) click on title below for more.

Discover your inner barista at The Café! We are seeking warm and friendly individuals to join our team. No prior experience necessary, and families can volunteer together (8th grade and up). High schoolers, volunteering here will enhance your college applications and earn you volunteer credit.CLICK HERE NOW

WR Cares Meals team - Does one meal make a difference in someone's life? If you have walked through a hard season, you know some of the most basic things can make you feel loved and seen. If you are interested in serving in this way click here and choose WR Cares.

The Center for the Arts Opportunities

  • Rock Band Camp - students (12-18 yo) will learn to cultivate their musical ability, have an awareness of the arts, develop performance skills, and build stage presence.
  • Music Lessons for all ages and skill levels - click here.

West Ridge Connection Card | Do you have a prayer request, recently moved, changed numbers or your e-mail address? Let us know below. Or if you would like more information about West Ridge, please click here.

Interested in taking your next step in Journey - Register here - we would love to help.

Give Online | Giving at West Ridge is out of gratitude to God, not out of obligation. Give via the app by clicking the GIVE icon below.