September 5, 2021

Martha, Martha

By Rev. Dana Seiler, September 05, 2021


Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Opening Songs - Emma Georgeson

Children’s Message - Bailey Beam

Sermon - “Martha, Martha”

In this story, is the sister sitting idly at Jesus’ feet, while is the sister running around the house.

Jesus says, Martha, Martha, you are & by many things.

A double salutation is a Hebrew expression for .

A double salutation signifies 2 things: and

What is one other example of a double salutation in the Bible?

What is one reason why you stay busy?

The most important things in life are our ___________________________ - Our relationships with God and with one another.

Introduction to Offering - Rev. David Bonnema

Offering Song


Closing Song





Welcome -

Call to Worship - Rev. David Bonnema

Leader: God has set this day before us,

People: A day set apart, a day of rest and praise.

Leader: God has set our lives before us,

People: A span of years in which we love, and learn, and serve.

Leader: God has set God’s seal upon our hearts,

People: So that we might live fully in deep love.

Leader: Let us worship God.

*Hymn - “Come and Find the Quiet Center” - #2128

Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon

Gracious and loving God, hear our prayer. We know we do not always live as we ought: We turn away from You, from our neighbor, and from our true selves. We know we dim Your light within us, with our pride, our self-righteousness, and our need for control. We know that You love us, that you do not abandon us, and that again and again you call us back to You. Forgive us, we pray, Amen.

Children’s Message - Bailey Beam

Anthem - “Just as I Am, I Come” - Unity Choir

Sermon - “Martha, Martha” - Rev. Dana Seiler

In this story, is the sister sitting idly at Jesus’ feet, while is the sister running around the house.

Jesus says, Martha, Martha, you are & by many things.

A double salutation is a Hebrew expression for .

A double salutation signifies 2 things: &

What is one other example of a double salutation in the Bible?

What is one reason why you stay busy?

The most important things in life are our - our relationships with God and with one another.

Introduction to Offering

Offering Anthem - “Adoration” - Unity Choir


Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Affirmation of Faith - The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

*Hymn - “Lamb of God” - #2113

