The Power of Forgiveness

40 Days of Discipleship

By Rev. Dana Seiler, March 27, 2022


Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Opening Songs - “In Christ Alone”/“Worthy Is the Lamb” - Stephen Rector

Children’s Message

Sermon - “The Power of Forgiveness”

How many times do you think forgiveness appears in the Bible?

What is something new you learned about the Joseph story today?

Joseph was able to forgive his brothers because he had grieve and mourn. He had years to grapple with what happened to him.

Forgiveness leads to freedom and . Forgiveness leads us to a life of .

Archbishop Desmond Tutu once preached: “Forgiving means abandoning your right to pay back the perpetrator in his own coin; but it is a loss that the victim.”

When we can’t find our own words of forgiveness, we can always lean on Jesus’ words when He said: “Forgive them Father, for they not what they do.”

Offering Song - “Who Am I?”

Prayer of Thanksgiving - Rev. David Bonnema

Closing Song - “Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone”




Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Call to Worship - Rev. David Bonnema

Leader: How can we forgive when those who love us hurt us the most?

People: As God forgives our sins, may we forgive others.

Leader: How do we start anew after trust is broken?

People: As God heals our brokenness, may our relationships be healed.

Leader: When we have missed the mark, how can we release our guilt?

People: As God looks upon us with love, may we also learn to love ourselves.

Leader: As we worship today, let us be reminded of the grace and mercy that can only come from Christ Jesus.

People: Let us worship our great God.

Hymn - “How Great Thou Art” - #467

Prayer of Confession

Lord, we come today to confess that we are not very good at forgiveness. We want to know if one time to forgive someone is sufficient. We might even be willing to extend forgiveness twice, but we become wary of extending ourselves further. Teach us to be humble and merciful. Remind us of the many ways in which you have offered your forgiving love to us time after time. Heal our wounds and bind up our brokenness, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Children’s Message (if needed)

Anthem - “The Potter’s Hand” by Zschech - Unity Choir

Sermon - “The Power of Forgiveness” - Rev. Dana Seiler

How many times do you think forgiveness appears in the Bible?

What is something new you learned about the Joseph story today?

Joseph was able to forgive his brothers because he had grieve and mourn. He had years to grapple with what happened to him.

Forgiveness leads to freedom and . Forgiveness leads us to a life of .

Archbishop Desmond Tutu once preached: “Forgiving means abandoning your right to pay back the perpetrator in his own coin; but it is a loss that the victim.”

When we can’t find our own words of forgiveness, we can always lean on Jesus’ words when He said: “Forgive them Father, for they not what they do.”

A Time of Offering

Anthem - “One Song” - Unity Choir


Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer

Affirmation of Faith - The Apostles’ Creed

Hymn - “Change My Heart, O God” - STF No. 2152

Introduction of New Members

