A Sign of Hope

Advent 2022

By Rev. Dana Seiler, December 04, 2022


Prelude - “In the Bleak Midwinter” arr. Jeff Perks

Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Opening Song - “Love Has a Name” - Kelly & Will McGlenn

Advent Candlelighting - Michael Jarolim

Song - “O Come, All Ye Faithful”

Time of Greeting

Children’s Message

Sermon - “A Sign of Hope”

Today we light the Candle of .

Jeremiah spoke about the and the new life, that was about to spring up from the devastation and rubble of the cities.

Jeremiah spoke about a of that was to spring forth.

What did this branch of righteousness symbolize?

Where do you see signs of God’s hope in your life?

In what areas of your life do you need to proclaim God’s hope and bridge the gap?

Song - “Living Hope”

Offering - Rev. David Bonnema


Closing Song - “O Little Town of Bethlehem”



Prelude - “In the Bleak Midwinter” arr. Perks - Jeff Perks

Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Lighting the Advent Candle - Michael Jarolim as a Shepherd

Call to Worship - Rev. David Bonnema

  • Leader: Christ, God’s gift to the world, shall come:
  • People: Those who feel despair will know hope.
  • Leader: Those who are oppressed will know freedom
  • People: Those who are lonely will know love.
  • Leader: Those who are suffering will know inner peace.
  • People: Let us rejoice today with hearts full of hope!

Hymn - “O Come, All Ye Faithful” - #41

Prayer of Confession: God of Promise, there are times when we lose our hope. The world is a hard place to live and it teaches us many harsh lessons. There are times where we do not believe that what lies before us could be anything close to beautiful. We don’t remember Your promises to provide us with mercy and strength and love. Help us to be people of hope, who live in the light of Christmas with the certainty that the darkness will not overcome us, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Passing of the Peace

Children’s Message

Anthem - “Advent Joy” Hopson - Unity Choir

Sermon - “A Sign of Hope” - Rev. Dana Seiler

Today we light the Candle of .

Jeremiah spoke about the and the new life, that was about to spring up from the devastation and rubble of the cities.

Jeremiah spoke about a of that was to spring forth.

What did this branch of righteousness symbolize?

Where do you see signs of God’s hope in your life?

In what areas of your life do you need to proclaim God’s hope and bridge the gap?

Anthem - “Veni, Emmanuel” Martin - Unity Choir

Offering and Doxology

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Affirmation of Faith - by Rev. Stephen M. Fearing: We believe that God has come to us as a little child, making our weakness his strength, securing our salvation by becoming one of us, blessing us with unending love, filling our hearts with joy to be shared with one another. We believe that God has birthed righteousness into the world, giving us a law that will be written upon our hearts, making the cause of the oppressed the highest priority, declaring an everlasting reign of peace, defeating the power of pain and suffering. We believe that God calls us to participate in this reality of love, inviting us to proclaim Christ’s resurrection to others, transforming us as disciples to go out into the world, sending us forth to announce his kingdom of peace and comfort, challenging us to see everyone as nothing less than beloved children. This we believe.

Closing Hymn - “O Little Town of Bethlehem” - #44


Postlude “The Morning Star Has Risen” Brauer