Over and Above

40 Days of Abundant Life

By Rev. David Bonnema, March 05, 2023


Welcome - Rev. David Bonnema

Opening Songs - “Good, Good Father”/“He Leadeth Me” - Kelly & Will McGlenn

Confirmation Celebration

Time of Greeting

Children’s Message

Sermon - “Over and Above” - Rev. David Bonnema

Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it .” —John 10:10

Abundant (περισσός): over and above what is or expected.

To describe abundant life, Jesus tells a story about sheep and a shepherd. We learn that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are the sheep.

“…and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by and leads them out.” —John 10:3

Jesus knows us by name, but do we know his voice?

As we follow Jesus (the shepherd) into the world, there will be thieves who seek to rob us of the abundance God offers. Thieves are things that steal your joy or destroy your sense of self as God’s beloved.

What is a thief in your life?

Kirkegaard described three levels of life:

Level 1- A Life Of Only Seeking

Level 2- A Life Of Seeking the Of The Community.

Level 3- A Life Of

Offering - Rev. Dana Seiler


Communion Song - “God, You’re So Good”

Closing Song - “Goodness of God”



Prelude - “Be Thou My Vision” arr Sinding - Linda McKechnie

Welcome - Rev. David Bonnema

Call to Worship - Rev. Dana Seiler

  • Leader: Listen!
  • People: There is hope to be found here.
  • Leader: Listen!
  • People: God calls you by name here.
  • Leader: Listen!
  • People: There is love that abides here.
  • Leader: God is speaking.
  • People: Let us listen to God today.

Hymn - “How Firm a Foundation” - #387 v 1-3,5

Prayer of Confession
Holy God, too often we treat Your Word like a radio station—something we can tune in and out of when it’s convenient. Our minds are full of ads, emails, news updates, and notifications. In the midst of this clutter, we tend to gravitate toward the voices that think like us—easily ignoring the voices being silenced, easily ignoring Your voice. Forgive us for failing to listen. Forgive us for getting caught in distractions. Forgive us for forgetting what Your voice sounds like. Drain the distractions from our minds and help us turn once again toward You. With earnest hearts we pray, Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

  • Leader: I am loved!
  • People: I am loved!
  • Leader: I am held in grace!
  • People: I am held in grace!
  • Leader: I belong to God.
  • People: I belong to God.

Confirmation Celebration

Passing of the Peace

Anthem - “Good Shepherd” by Forest - Unity Choir

Sermon - “Over and Above” - Rev. David Bonnema

Jesus says, “I came that they may have life, and have it .” —John 10:10

Abundant (περισσός): over and above what is or expected.

To describe abundant life, Jesus tells a story about sheep and a shepherd. We learn that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are the sheep.

“…and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by and leads them out.” —John 10:3

Jesus knows us by name, but do we know his voice?

As we follow Jesus (the shepherd) into the world, there will be thieves who seek to rob us of the abundance God offers. Thieves are things that steal your joy or destroy your sense of self as God’s beloved.

What is a thief in your life?

Kirkegaard described three levels of life:

Level 1- A Life Of Only Seeking

Level 2- A Life Of Seeking the Of The Community.

Level 3- A Life Of

Offering and Prayer of Thanksgiving


The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper - Anthem - “One Step He Leads” by Choplin - Unity Choir

Affirmation of Faith
We believe in a God who meets us in the shadows, who welcomes our questions, who invites us to begin again. We believe that Jesus showed us a new way, a deeper faith, a more compassionate existence. We believe that all of our beginnings should return us to this foundation, and that no matter how many times we lose our way, God always welcomes us home. Amen.

Closing Hymn - “He Leadeth Me” - v 1, 3 see screen


Postlude “Thine Be the Glory” Handel