Questioning Leads to Abundant Life

40 Days of Abundant Life

By Rev. Dana Seiler, March 19, 2023


Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Opening Songs - “The Father’s House”/“You’re Beautiful” - Danny Odell

Time of Greeting

Children’s Choir

Children’s Message

Sermon - “Questioning Leads to Abundant Life”

Abundant Life Premise: Vocalizing our & seeking answers to our unrest will draw us closer to God. Therefore, we will experience more fully.

A is a deep and painful questioning, a loss, or change in beliefs.

The 4 Types of Faith Crises:

  1. Crisis- People experiencing this type of faith crisis will often express their frustrations using phrases like “cognitive dissonance”, or “I just can’t reconcile”.
  2. Crisis-I nvolves people who may have felt rejected or conflicted emotionally.
  3. - when a person just puts their faith on the “shelf”.
  4. - Experiencing a very painful event that would cause you to question and doubt where God is amidst the pain and heartache.

What are your questions for God?

Do you have theological unrest?

Anthem - “Reason to Praise”

Offering - Rev. David Bonnema

Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer

Closing Song - “Your Love is Extravagant”



Prelude - “Amazing Grace" arr. McKechnie - Linda McKechnie, organ

Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Call to Worship - Rev. David Bonnema

  • Leader: Scripture is full of questions…
  • People: Am I my brother’s keeper?
  • Leader: Whom shall I send?
  • People: Where are you?
  • Leader: Who do you say that I am?
  • People: How many times shall I forgive?
  • Leader: Scripture is full of questions, so just like those in our scriptures, may we bring our full curiosity and wonder into this space.
  • People: Let us ask and seek after our merciful God.

Hymn - “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty” - 3 Verses #138

Prayer of Confession
God of new life, you call us into unknown places, and instead, we bury our heads in the sand. You promise all the stars in the sky, and we doubt it can be true. You speak of new life in the Spirit, and we tell ourselves we’ve missed our chance, and that we are not good enough. Over and over and over again, you invite us to move closer to you. Show us the way. Forgive our mistakes, and give us the courage to begin again with you, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Declaration of Forgiveness

Passing of the Peace

Anthem - “Christ Be in My Waking” Shackley - Unity Choir

Sermon - “Questioning leads to Abundant Life” - Rev. Dana Seiler

Abundant Life Premise: Vocalizing our & seeking answers to our unrest will draw us closer to God. Therefore, we will experience more fully.

A is a deep and painful questioning, a loss, or change in beliefs.

The 4 Types of Faith Crises:

  1. Crisis- People experiencing this type of faith crisis will often express their frustrations using phrases like “cognitive dissonance”, or “I just can’t reconcile”.
  2. Crisis-I nvolves people who may have felt rejected or conflicted emotionally.
  3. - when a person just puts their faith on the “shelf”.
  4. - Experiencing a very painful event that would cause you to question and doubt where God is amidst the pain and heartache.

What are your questions for God?

Do you have theological unrest?

Anthem - “There Is a Balm” Larson - Unity Choir


Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer


Affirmation of Faith
We believe that a glass of water given to us by a stranger can taste like justice. We believe that honest conversation has the power to change us. We believe that all God’s children have a voice and something to say. We believe that Jesus loves the outcast, the ignored, the shamed, and the abandoned. We believe in asking questions. We believe in curiosity. We believe in giving people a drink. May we be brave enough to give people a drink. May we be brave enough to ask the hard questions and to wrestle with God. Amen.

Hymn - “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine” - 3 Verses #341


Postlude - “Trumpet Tune” Stanley