Caring for Creation

An Earth Day Celebration

By Rev Dana Seiler and the Earth Care Team, April 16, 2023

Prelude - “Elegy for Tsunami Victims” by Tsujii - Jeff Perks

Welcome - Rev. Dana Seiler

Introduction to Creation Care with Genesis 1:24-31 - Bee Manship

Call to Worship - Kara Lukehart

  • Leader: The world around us is full of beauty.
  • People: We praise Your name, O God.
  • Leader: For the gift of life on earth,
  • People: We praise Your name, O God.
  • Leader: Open our eyes to see Your artistry,
  • People: Your image in all that You have made.
  • Leader: Where our praise is short or silent,
  • People: Creation sings out with joy.
  • Leader: Here we join creation’s song.
  • People: We praise Your name, O God.

Hymn - “For the Beauty of the Earth” - #473 v 1,2,4,5

Prayer of Confession
Creator God, we see Your hand in Your creation. We see and feel Your love and care for us on the earth. Your earth feeds us and clothes us. Lord, forgive our greed and selfish use of Your gifts. May we learn to share the earth, to work it and to care for every part of it, so that all who live here, now and in the future, may also enjoy its care. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

Passing of the Peace

(9:30) “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” - Children’s Choir

(9:30) Moments with Young Christians - Karen Brailey

Skit - “Check List” - Greg Conrad & Scotty Nagel

Anthem - “What a Wonderful World” - The Mariners


Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer


A Call to Action

A Time of Sharing

Anthem - “For the Beauty of the Earth” - The Mariners

Closing Prayer - Dave Fechtmeister

Hymn - “This is My Father’s World” - #293

